Monday, January 13, 2014


Almost all Americans are ill-equipped in mind to vote. Without knowing theoretical civil jurisprudence, history and trade, no one can decide right about anything dealing with human relations.

The purpose of government is justice for a society of property. Politicians craft law in support of justice.

To understand both justice and property requires thoroughgoing knowledge of theoretical civil jurisprudence.

The purpose of learning history is to learn the struggle for power over the control of property, moving from primitive communism to modern individualism.

Schools fail to teach right history — Anglo-American history emphasizing the English Civil War, Colonial America through the Progressive Era.

Commerce is the theory of trading for property for profit, that is, all relevant matters to mankind regarding the purchase and sale of property.

Without learning that wages are prices, that profits provide surplus buying power to buy anything else, that provide signals for potential return to increasing capitalization to gain efficiency and higher profit, that capital is the property of production and that wealth is the property of purchase and sale.

Without economics, no one can know about money and credit and how central bank action affects the measure of their contracts as well as their saved buying power. Without economics and theoretical civil jurisprudence, no one can know how taxation-provided welfare violates the social compact. Without economics and history, no one can can know how welfare is the source of power, which lets politicians wage foreign wars of weapons and domestic wars of law against citizens.

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