Wednesday, March 11, 2015


By Internet rules, the Greeks have lost. They have committed an act of Godwin's Law.


Also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies, Godwin's Law states,
As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.
Well, it is here. Today, the Telegraph (UK) reported that Greek PM Alexis Tsipras has demanded the Germans pay more than US$168.83 billion (€160bn) for war action NAZI Germany took against Greece 74 years ago in Operation Marita. In April 1941, the NAZI Germans helped the Mussolini-led Fascist Italians invade Greece. This led to occupation of Greece by the Germans and Italians until October 1944. Before the April 1941 invasion, the Italians failed in their October 1940 invasion.

Interestingly, PM Tsipras has failed to demand Italians pay up for World War 2.

Suffice to say, likely, Greeks are at a low in their history, perhaps not an all-time low, but without doubt, a serious low. Sadly, many Greeks, weakened from decades of coddling by legislators, will accept such desperate political rhetoric from Tsipras and his cronies of SYRIZA.

Greek legislators borrowed billions and made it rain. They doled out cash and credit as welfare and government "work" to Greeks like Ouzo.

As long as Greek legislators could increase borrowing every year, they could put more Greeks on the government payroll giving them make work as government employees, and they could give ever more welfare as government medicine.

Yet, once the ability of the phony Greek economy to generate taxes to service the interest payments on their cumulative debt failed, prudent investors stopped buying Greek bond issuance. In short, Greek legislators squeezed all they could from shopkeepers and restaurateurs to pay for their past extravagance.

Long-ago, famed Greek stage play critic Aristotle explained how to write a tragedy. All good tragedies are mimesis (imitation of action) that adhere to the Law of Cause to Effect all told within a story that goes from beginning through middle to end and in which all of the needed facts of the story get revealed through action of the story.

The brilliance of the tragedy is the anagnorisis, which is that ah ha! moment when the mind's eye of the story's main agent opens to see his ignorance, which has led to his downfall and hence destiny of destruction. Aristotle said that following straight after the anagnorisis, we, the audience must see the story's main agent in a scene of suffering for the tragedy to satisfy us.

Greeks are experiencing a death spiral. Greeks do not make enough of anything that others want to buy and thus Greek legislators can't tax Greeks fast enough or collect high enough sums to pay interest on borrowed credit, which Greek legislators use to pay wages for Greek government workers and pay generous welfare to able-bodied Greek citizens.

Greek legislators have borrowed excessively and have passed the tipping point, having established and perpetuated a phony economy to the point where no longer can such an economy be sustained. Greek legislators have run out of new lenders from which to roll over and pay off existing debt.

Many individuals find themselves in alike situation when they take on many credit cards, using each successive one to pay off the previous one while charging a bit more to enjoy living, until the day comes when no longer is there a credit card issuer willing to give yet another card.

At that point, the credit card dead beat who lived beyond his or her means, lacking a suitably high enough income to pay the monthly monster of interest, gives up. The last card issuers get stiffed. That's the whole of it.

The best bet for Greeks is to dissolve their parliament and split up into smaller countries, each with fewer law (rights and duties) and more freedom (lack of law in the presence of legislators), which would better let each Greek discover himself and put each Greek on the path to virtue, which is another way of saying manhood.

Likely, Socrates would agree with me.

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