Wednesday, October 21, 2015


So Canadians voted for their members of parliament, and in effect, voted for their next prime minister, the product of nepotism, Justin Trudeau. Justin, the former son of one-time Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau and short-time school teacher, Justin made a habit of staying in college well into his adult years even though he only completed two of four degrees he started.  In 2008, Justin was given his first election win as an MP.

BC resident and seemingly indoctrinated voter Cassandra Fletcher earned her 15 minutes of fame the other day by sharing on Facebook, an attention-seeking bogus open letter written to Canada's next prime minister in which Fletcher asks for Justin to revert Canada to a mythical country.  The Canadian establishment propaganda media conjured a story from Fletcher's attention-seeking Facebook behavior.

Foolishly, Cassandra believes the problem with Canada is the electoral system. Cassandra even wrote, "[Justin] be the one to recreate what democracy is in Canada."

In light of the elections, the silly beliefs held by Canadians like Cassandra, all adult Canadians ought to ask themselves if they live under a representative democracy? There is no Canadian alive today and there has not been a Canadian alive for a long time who ever lived under representative democracy.

Officially the country of Canada has a constitutional monarchy entangled still with the Queen of England, 148 years after the supposed independence of Canada. However, Canadians have a parliament that includes a House of Commons whose members, known as members of parliament (MPs), get elected by Canadian voters directly. Currently, there are 338 MPs who supposedly represent Canadians.

Much like us Americans, Canadians have been indoctrinated into believing a huge lie about their country (see: THE BIGGEST LIE ALMOST ALL AMERICANS BELIEVE: AMERICANS HAVE A REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY. BERNIE, HILLARY AND ALL OF THE CANDIDATES LOVE THE BIGGEST LIE.) Like, Americans, Canadians have the right to vote. That is it. And like Americans, Canadians fail to see that voting does not equal representation.

In the first ever Canadian election of 1867, there were 1,491 voters for every MP. In this election, there were 51,951 voters for every MPs.

As you can see, like their American neighbors, Canadians started out with something that resembled representative democracy. However, Canadian representative democracy began dying almost straightaway, in waves.

The first death wave came between 1873 to 1913. The second death wave ran from 1914 to 1946. A significant death wave hit between 1947 and 1975. The last death wave hit between 1976 and 2013.

Today, here is the picture of how many voters each MP has by province.

When you discover that on a full-time, 40-hour work week with no time in Ottawa, a MP could give a mere three minutes on average to each of his adult constituents — seriously three minutes.

Now, if Canadians were to have a truly representative democracy, one where each Canadian could at least sit with his or her MP for 15 minutes, once a year and still have their MP go to the House of Commons in Ottawa for three months to hash out the only most important matters of Canadians, here are the number of representatives Canadians would need by province.

Adult residents of BC are 300 MPs short of having true, minimal representative democracy.

And here is what it would look like if MPs only gave 10 minutes to each Canadian, 18 and older while still hanging out in Ottawa for three months.

The true problem for Canadians is the same problem from which adult Americans suffer  — the lack of popular representation. And like Americans, Canadians live under a dictatorship of a well-organized minority.

Any Canadian who believes she or he lives under a representative democracy has been bamboozled. If Canadians lived under a  representative democracy, there would be many political parties with no party dominant. Canadians would have more than the conjured branding messages from their NDP, Liberals and Progressive Conservatives. Likely, parties would not exist in Canada.

Instead, Canadians would get superior government from their federal system. Only the most important bills would rise to the top and become law. Canadians would be left alone and respected.

If you are an Canadian adult or soon to be adult, likely this is the most important work you have yet read in your life. You can be sure that not one candidate from any of your establishment parties would ever want you to have representation. Spread the word!

I suspect the same problem exists for Australians, New Zealanders and Brits. It's quite a shame that in only a few hundred years, all of the hard work from the geniuses of the Age of Enlightenment has been scrubbed away from political cockroaches.

This is the illusion representative democracy:

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